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     In the message last Sunday we talked about the value of a soul.  I can’t seem to get that question out of my mind.  What is a soul worth?  What would I be willing to sacrifice if it meant there was even the possibility that someone might come into relationship with Jesus.  What might I be willing to give up if it meant a soul might be saved, a life redeemed?

     As we talked about on Sunday, that sacrifice comes in many forms.  Sometimes it is a sacrifice of time that we invest in ministry or in building a personal relationship that allows us the opportunity to share faith.  Sometimes it is the sacrifice of the familiar or the comfortable.  There will be times when we must step out of our comfort zone, or embrace change, in order to better reach that lost soul.  There will also be times when the sacrifice is financial, investing in the work of God through the church. Our generosity becomes like seeds sown in a field that, in God’s perfect time, bring forth a harvest.

     No sacrifice is easy. But when I consider any sacrifice God may call me to in light of this question “What is the value of a soul” I find I struggle with it less.  When I think of the immeasurable gift that my relationship with Jesus has been, I can’t help but want every person to experience that gift.  And when I think about the sacrifice Jesus made for me, it puts my sacrifice in perspective.  I wouldn’t say I “enjoy” sacrifice.  But I take joy in knowing that my sacrifice can change a person’s life in this world, and ultimately their eternal life. 

     So I will willingly share my time, because it helps reach the lost.  I will embrace change that may be uncomfortable when that change helps us be more effective in the mission.  And I will gladly give generously from what God has given to me knowing that investment will help save souls for eternity. 

God bless,


     Pastor Steve

          I want to remind you that we will be setting up the field of flags this Saturday (October 20) beginning at 9:00 am at our Plaistow location.  As we did last year, we will be setting them in the area closer to the road.  It is a somewhat smaller area than the back field, but much more visible.  We need lots of hands, so I hope you will join us.  Based on last year, I would expect to be done before 11:00 am. If you are able to help, please drop me a quick email so I know the help we need.
