Our Rock Church Choir gathering before one of the concerts. Our final performance will be this Sunday in Amesbury at 10:00 am.

Our Rock Church Choir gathering before one of the concerts. Our final performance will be this Sunday in Amesbury at 10:00 am.

Dear friends,
    I pray you all had a joyful and blessed Christmas. On Christmas Eve, as part of the message, we reflected on the fact that Christ came into our world to give us a fresh start, a new beginning. At the heart of our Christian faith is the understanding that because of Jesus we have received a clean slate. The sins of the past are washed away, and we are made new in him.
   On more than one occasion I have been accused of being an eternal optimist, and I'm sure that is true. I believe the future is bright. I believe possibilities abound. I have always believed that the best is yet to come. That belief, that optimism, is not built on some naive view of life that chooses to ignore reality. I know that sometimes things are hard. I know that life will have its troubles. I know there will be setbacks. And like all of us, I have hard days. But because I have Christ, I have hope. And that hope fuels an optimism that believes that God has greater things in store for us with each new year.
    Of course there is a partnership here. God has a glorious future for each of us. But we must embrace it. We must do our part to step into each new day, each new year, prepared to make it the best year yet. This Sunday we will launch a new series that I am super excited about. I've gone back and forth on a few different titles for the series, but I've decided on "Game Changers."  I believe there are certain choices, certain decisions we can make that will allow us to fully experience the new life that God has for us. I believe there are certain steps we can take that will make 2019 the best year yet. It will be a five week series. Each week we will dig into one critical choice we can make that can be a game-changer in our lives. I believe God has something life-changing for you in this series. So I would encourage you to make the decision right now that you will be with us in worship every Sunday for the next five weeks. I cannot think of a better or more impactful way to launch the new year.
   God Bless,

Pastor Steve ,

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