
I’m convinced that serving is the new evangelism.  When it comes to connecting to the “not yet churched” and help them to come to know Jesus, serving is rapidly emerging as one of our most effective tools.  This is not to say that we should never witness door to door, preach on the street corner or hand out tracts.  But the effectiveness of those approaches is no longer what it once was.

As Christ followers, our message does not change.  In Jesus there is the forgiveness of sin and the hope of abundant and eternal life. But our methodology, how we share that message, changes from season to season and from generation to generation.  So here are 5 reasons why I am convinced that serving is an increasingly effective tool for evangelism:

1.       It allows unchurched people to see the love of Christ in a tangible way.

2.       It adds credibility to our proclamation.  People are more likely to hear our words if we back them up with loving action.

3.       It builds relationships.  As we serve people in need, it helps us get to know them, and vice versa.  Relationship builds trust and trust opens the door to sharing.

4.       It allows us to work side by side with unchurched people. Many people who may be hesitant to attend church are open to helping on a community service project.  As churched and unchurched neighbors work side by side, it becomes a first step of connection to Christ and the church.

5.       It give people a different view of Christians.  Sadly, in the media and in culture, Christians are often portrayed as self-righteous, judgmental and hypocritical.  But when we serve, the world gets to see Christians as a people of love who desire to bless others.

This is why I’m so excited about the For Our Community Day of Serving.  On Saturday, May 18th, we will have the opportunity to serve in our community in ways that help others to see the church for who it really is.  And it will be a chance to build relationships and share the love of Christ.  This has the potential to be an incredibly effective opportunity to not only do good as we bless others, but to share the hope of Jesus in the process. But for that to be as fully effective as it can be, we need two things.

  • We need you to join us!  You can sign up at

  • We need you to invite a few friends to join us.  This project is open to everyone, and this is a perfect opportunity to help someone take a first step of connection that could lead to a life changing relationship with Jesus.

On another note, we have a very special GROW (our monthly gathering for women and young women) this coming Monday, April 29 at our Rock Plaistow location.  Check out the video below. 

Also, we are beginning a new series this Sunday that I think is going to be both practical and inspirational.  If you have ever been stressed over money, or have friends or family members who are, you will not want to miss this special series “Keys to Financial Peace.”

God Bless,

Pastor Steve
