Let the countdown begin.   The “For Our Community” day of serving is less than 4 weeks away.  I believe this is going to be one of the best outreach events we have ever organized at Rock Church.  But we need everyone’s help.  So here is my Top Ten countdown of how you could help make this event an amazing success.

10) Donate baked goods or water to be available at the worksites.

9) Help us put out lawn signs.  We need 10 people to put out 10 signs each in different communities.

8) Invite a group you are a part of.  Are you in a scout troop, LIONS club, martial arts studio, community group, club or other organization?  Invite them to participate (We’ll get you some invite cards to share.)

Help us get out lawn signs on everyone community!

Help us get out lawn signs on everyone community!

7) Choose your project and sign up your family, your friends and yourself this week.  We need to plan for food and T-shirts, so the sooner you sign up the better prepared we can be.

6) Put out posters and invite cards.  We’d like to distribute these any place the public will see them. 

5) Help with the prep.  There is a lot of behind the scenes work to be done.  We can still use additional volunteers to be on the set up team, clean up team, and project planning team. 

4) Participate in the golf tournament. As you can probably imagine, there will be some cost to putting on the For Our Community day.  A portion of the proceeds from the golf tournament will help fund this event.  To sign up to play or be a hole sponsor, go to this link.

golf tourney slide.jpg

3) Did I mention sign up early?   That is so important and helpful.  Here is the direct link to the sign up page.

2) Help us talk it up.  We want to invite the whole community to be a part of this great event.  One great way to do this is to talk it up on social media.  We’ve set up an event on Facebook that you can share with your friends at this link. Let people know you are participating and invite them to do the same.  Additionally, if you have connections with a newspaper, radio station, television station or other media outlet that might help us share the invitation broadly, please let me know.

1) PRAY.  I am looking for prayer partners who are willing to pray every day leading up to June 30th that God would use this outreach to bless our communities and help us connect to our unchurched neighbors.  If you are willing to commit to daily prayer for this, please let me know.

     Email me to help in any of these “Top Ten” ways or follow the link provided.  I know in my heart that God is going to do great things through this event.  You will not want to miss it!

    God Bless,

Pastor Steve
