Good day Rock Church family, 

It's great to be back in the states, but boy did we have some powerful experiences in Honduras the last couple of weeks! In three areas of Honduras we had planned to provide for needs physically, spiritually and relationally. Thanks to your faithfulness back home, our Mission team was able to do that and more! All I can say is thanks be to God that His Spirit bound us together in unity and connected us with many partners & communities that will continue to bless our church and the Honduras mission for years to come. 

As you may know, our youth went up to Soulfest yesterday and family campers will be joining them tomorrow to enjoy a great time in community & worship. Please pray that they all have an amazing experience and that the Holy Spirit does a work in transforming hearts and minds to bring people to know Jesus and grow deeper in relationship with each other and with God. 

Talking about worship, have you heard that our Rock Church Amesbury praise team will be leading a worship concert at Salisbury Beach on August 9th?  Come on out to sing praises to God at the beach while supporting the church and the worship team – what could be better?! Concert starts at 7pm, but we’ll be there early to set up tables and get ready.  We’d love your help if you’re up for it!


HERO CENTRAL DAY CAMP: Day camp is right around the corner!  The week of August 14th – 18th we’ll be working to bless the families of our community by hosting a full day camp at a very low cost (currently only $39 for registration!) at Rock Church Plaistow.  If you have a child going into k-8th grade, or know someone who may be interested in attending, we’d love to have them!  We’re also looking for volunteers to help out before, during and after the week so if you have some time and a desire to bless our community while pouring into the next generation, we’d love to have you!  Registrations for campers or volunteers are available online at We’re looking forward to another great week!

CHURCH PICNIC & BAPTISM: This year we will hold our Rock Church picnic and baptism service at Camp Tasker in Newton, NH on September 10th.  I know this may seem like a world away right now, but will be here before you know it. If you are interested in being baptized in the lake this year, please connect with Lynette Archibald ( or you can always just let us know on your connection card on Sunday.

Thanks & Pray!

Pastor Jon (PJ)

603 234-4721
